Leadership and People Development

Dear Man/Woman of God,

Greetings in the Matchless Name of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have received the mandate to educate, equip and empower the next generation of Ministers by providing information, inspiration, and insight to Pastors and their Leadership Team for the effective execution of their God given assignment.

I believe that there’s only one Body of Christ and that we are all working for the advancement of the plans and purposes of the same kingdom. That’s why as a Ministry we consistently sow into many ministries spiritually, physically, and financially as the Lord instructs. We sincerely believe that when one Church grows every Church grows because we believe in kingdom advancement.

We have made it a point of duty to work at kingdom advancement through prayers, strategic partnerships, and the endless investment in the empowerment of Ministers for greater kingdom impact called E.Q.U.I.P (Encouraging Quality Unity and Integrity in Pastors).

E.Q.U.I.P is a Monthly Ministers Conference that takes place In Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. It holds on the last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of every month. Three impactful days of unforgettable encounters. Ministers travel from several parts of the country to be present at EQUIP. We have a viewing audience through the internet from several nations of the world.

EQUIP is designed primarily to serve as a platform to facilitate the acceleration of the progress of the impact and the influence of the kingdom everywhere by the consistent provision of truths, tips, and tools that will make Churches grow and multiply rapidly.

We believe in the local church because it is God’s instrument of executing His redemptive plan in the earth. The more effective the Church becomes, the greater the impact it will have in this world. It is for this reason that we tirelessly work at investing in the Leadership Team of local Churches freely and fervently. Registration for EQUIP is free so everyone who desires to participate in this enlightenment experience of spiritual significance can attend.

This August our theme is “Leadership and People Development.” We seek to explore what you have to know, do and put in place to experience growth and enduring success in Ministry. The growth of any Ministry requires the active, intentional, and intelligent process of people development.

We shall also be looking at other topics like People Development through The Cell System, The Role of Media in People Development, etc. Each specialized session focuses on adding value to different aspects of their ministry. Get ready for a strategic positioning that will make the latter part of this year characterized by accelerated growth and an increase in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The Lord said, “EQUIP is my meeting. I will come in Power.” We will be expecting you and your leadership team to come expectant with a burning desire to encounter God’s Word in a fresh and unforgettable way, experience the rich presence of God for spiritual refreshing and renewal of strength, and engage in sessions of fervent prayers for your Church and the work of the kingdom. Shalom

In His Majesty’s Service,


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